Types of Business Process Outsourcing for your company

Mar 28, 2022 | BPO | 0 Comentarios

Business Process Outsourcing is an important task that companies delegate to their human resources department for personnel administration. There are several types of this applied to the distinct positions that Business Process Outsourcing can provide. We explain the ones used in Mexico and their characteristics.


Business Process Outsourcing for a trial period.

This are filter contracts for the selected candidates of a certain vacancy, in this period, their qualities and performance are evaluated to determine if they meet what is required to fill the vacancy.

This period can range from 30 to 180 days depending on the position and its responsibilities.


Personnel Administration for an indefinite period.

It is the basic contract used in most companies in Mexico, with this employment contract, a work relationship is established for a period longer than 180 days.

These 180 days do not include the trial period that a company may require from the employee in the contract that we mentioned at the beginning. Want to know more about how we do things? ¡E-mail us right now! 


Business Process Outsourcing of staff for a determined period.

These contracts are carried out when the activities to be done have a temporary nature, it is an activity not necessary for the operation, or for when the person in charge of the position is not available due to incapacity.

Are you looking for staff to hire for a fixed period? At Zeu Group we can help you with temporary work templates. Want to know the importance of an efficient personnel administration in your company? Visit «Why is important the third-party personnel administration in your company».


Specialized BPO for Initial Training.

This type of hiring serves as a guarantee that the selected talent is acquiring the missing skills in their profile, to develop a position in the company in exchange for a lower salary than the one they will receive once with their indefinite contract.

In this way, a win-win relationship is created, in which the employee develops the necessary experience to work, and the company develops talent that may be useful in the future.

At Zeu Group we offer personnel administration under trial or training period, determined or indeterminate period, so that your company can have the best candidates. Start enjoying all the benefits that we have for you!


What are you waiting? Call now 01 800 909 7678 ,  we have coverage of:

  • Business Process Outsourcing in Guadalajara
  • Business Process Outsourcing in Querétaro
  • Business Process Outsourcing in Saltillo
  • Business Process Outsourcing in Monterrey
  • And many more!


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